Dark night project


The aim of the events is to offer young people in the area who may be drawn into ASB associated with the dark night period, an alternative activity to engage in.

The event will be open for ages 11-16 and the dates that have been selected are key dates where it is likely there may be an increase of ASB based on evidence from previous years.

The events will also support positive relationship building and will support with sign-posting young people to weekly sessions in the area run by Reach up youth which will hopefully support the reduce of ASB in the long run.

Where possible local businesses will be used for things such as food and activities and Reach up Youth are a local community organisation.

Police intelligence from analysis of previous years data suggests that Burngreave is at an increased risk during the dark night period. Local knowledge indicates that Verdon Street and Spital Hill are prime locations for targeting by youths throwing fireworks and causing Anti-social behaviour.

The development of positive and diversionary activity is designed to support integration and harmony at points where negative press and attention undermines community confidence and perpetuates the idea that the area is unsafe.


The event will be open for ages 11-16.

The dates that have been selected are key dates where it is likely there may be an increase of ASB based on evidence from previous years.


Monday 31st October 2022, 5-9pm Halloween themed activities- decorations, crafts, DJ, games, Henna and food. A fun evening, somewhere for young people to “chill” and enjoy the spirit of Halloween.

We will be using Ambassadors through reach up youth (as well as paid staff) that are young people who are volunteering their time. Some of these young people come from a background where they have been exposed to the criminal justice system and are trying to create better futures for themselves. We will give the Ambassadors a certificate at the end for taking part and Reach up youth will provide references should they need them. This will give young people that have faced difficulty an opportunity to build better lives.

Friday 4th November 2022, 5-9pm Crafts, games, workshops, and information stalls with refreshments. We will use this as an opportunity to have key discussions with young people around Proactively understanding current and emerging trends to prevent individuals from becoming victims of anti-social behaviour, crime and harm.

We will do this by having discussion groups with questions such as, “What do you think the policing priorities are where you live” and “How safe do you feel in your community, what would you change”

Saturday 5th November 5-9pm “Supper Saturday”- Games, activities, craft, DJ and Pizza. This is an opportunity for a safe place to relax with friends, join in with activities and engage with positive role models.

We will be utilising local facilities and using local catering for these events, enabling community cohesion. The catering and drinks will be purchased locally to help boost small local businesses. It is situated in an area with pockets of high deprivation and long-standing issues. Engagement activities at the event can potentially lead to identifying those vulnerable or at risk of CCE/CSE and offers of more relevant support beyond it and building trust.


Sounds good?