The Royal Foundation


“Homewards aims to give people across the UK hope that homelessness can be prevented by showing them the progress we can make when we collaborate. It’s a big task, but I firmly believe that by working together it is possible to make homelessness rare, brief and unrepeated, and I am very much looking forward to working with our six locations to make our ambition a reality”



In a modern and progressive society, everyone should have a safe and secure home, be treated with dignity and given the support they need.

It is estimated that over 300,000 people – nearly half of whom are children – are sofa surfing, sleeping on the streets, staying in hostels, living in their cars or other forms of temporary accommodation.

Despite tireless efforts across the sector and beyond, it continues to exist because we too often focus on managing the problem rather than working to prevent it. Prince William today, (Monday 26th June 2023), launched Homewards, a five-year locally led programme which will demonstrate that together it is possible to end homelessness: making it rare, brief, and unrepeated.


Homewards took a transformative approach to the issue of homelessness and put collaboration at its heart, giving six flagship locations new space, tools, and relationships to showcase what can be achieved through a collective effort focused on preventing homelessness in their areas. The six locations will be gradually unveiled by Prince William as he embarked on a UK tour which will took place over two days (Monday 26th and Tuesday 27th June 2023), starting in London.

At each location, Homewards will support local partners to form locally led coalitions of committed individuals, organisations, and businesses who will work together to create and deliver a tailored plan to prevent homelessness in their areas – based on local needs and local expertise.


Prince William’s five-year programme to demonstrate that together it is possible to end homelessness is today marking a year of progress across its six locations, including Sheffield.

Over the past year, Homewards has been working with Sheffield, as well as the programme’s five other locations (Aberdeen; Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole; Lambeth; Newport and Northern Ireland) to form coalitions which will drive the project forward locally and build action plans to put each location on a trajectory to end homelessness.

In Sheffield, substantial work has taken place to identify emerging priorities vital to ending local homelessness and to lay the foundations, setting the area up for success by:

Forming a strong local coalition:

Homewards Sheffield Coalition comprises 64 organisations and individuals.

Members include the local council, healthcare providers, mental health services, experts by experience, as well as the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam University, and many local business and dynamic community organisations, coming together in a collaborative effort to demonstrate that it is possible to end homelessness in the local area. The coalition also has significant representation from those with lived experience.

Identifying emerging focus areas:

Homewards Sheffield intends to explore how to prevent young people and families from experiencing homelessness and drive greater access to housing with grassroots community groups at the heart of that work.

Each location is also developing an Innovative Housing Project which will test new ways to unlock homes at scale. In Sheffield, as announced, The Innovative Housing Project will work with landlords to unlock an initial 33 three and four-bedroom properties for families on the brink of or experiencing homelessness in Sheffield.

Securing unprecedented partnerships:

The roundtable convened by Prince William in March this year has led to new connections being made and further conversations about increasing the housing supply in Sheffield and beyond.

Generating systems change:

The work of Homewards in Sheffield has been particularly driven by grassroots community organisations and those with lived experience.

Working to change the narrative:

Homewards is focused on improving understanding about the different forms of homelessness, shifting perceptions and boosting optimism that homelessness can be ended. Communications professionals are working collaboratively across all six locations on a strategy to reframe damaging negative perceptions of homelessness.

Homewards will soon launch an exhibition with the Saatchi Gallery, which will include pieces created by children and young people at a series of creative workshops held across the six flagship Homewards locations, including Sheffield.

Homewards’ six flagship locations will also feature in an exclusive two-part ITV documentary series which explores homelessness in the UK today and follows the first year of the Homewards programme.

The Sheffield Launch

The Sheffield launch of Homewards, an initiative by The Royal Foundation, was hosted by Safiya Saeed founder of Reach Up Youth Charity and her leaders, at Verdon Recreation Centre. After weeks of preparation to get the building ready, Reach Up Youth introduced local artist Leigh Redhead (Trik_9) to design a mural in the big hall featuring the Homewards logo.

The event included a basketball game with twenty young boys and His Highness Prince William, who was introduced to young people with experiences of homelessness. Celebrity footballer Tyrone Mings also attended, adding to the excitement with music and a BBQ, which showcased the warm hospitality of the hosts. Reach Up Youth was immensely proud to have organized such a remarkable and historic event.

Work in partnership with locations

Homewards is locally led and puts collaboration at the heart of the response. Our locations will form local coalitions of committed people, organisations and businesses, who will work together to create and deliver a plan to prevent and end homelessness.

Local representatives from the Homewards Sheffield Coalition who are attending today’s event include: Martin McKervey, Chair of Sheffield Property Association; David Bussue, CEO of SACHMA; Alex Cook, Operations and Development Manager for Sheffield City Council; Tim Renshaw, CEO of The Archer Project;; Nilam Buchanan, Regional Managing Director of Places for People; and Blessan Babu, Delivery and Advocacy Manager for Sheffield Project for Refugee Integration and Growth (SPRING) at City of Sanctuary.

Five-year commitment

By the end of that period, we want our locations to be on a path to ending homelessness for good – making it rare, brief and unrepeated. Our ambition is that this becomes business as usual, not just in these locations, but around the UK and beyond.

In conclusion:

The launch was a resounding success, highlighted by Prince William mingling with the young attendees. He actively participated in their basketball game and genuinely engaged with those who had experienced homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021. His willingness to listen and connect with the young people on a personal level made a significant impact, demonstrating his commitment to understanding and addressing their challenges. This heartfelt interaction added a meaningful dimension to the event, reinforcing the importance of the Homewards initiative.

His Highness praised Safiya Saeed’s exceptional leadership, highlighting her pivotal role in the success of the event. In his closing remarks, Prince William expressed his admiration by saying, “If we can make a thousand of you, you show true leadership, and we will make this happen together.” His words underscored the impact of Safiya’s dedication and inspired everyone present to believe in the power of collective effort and community-driven initiatives. This endorsement not only honoured Safiya’s work but also reinforced the collaborative spirit necessary to address homelessness effectively.

Following the launch visit, Reach Up Youth was honored with two additional visits from Prince William’s coalition, further strengthening their partnership. The organization also celebrated the one-year anniversary of the Homewards initiative in London, marking a significant milestone in their collaborative efforts. Additionally, Safiya Saeed is set to feature in a documentary by The Royal Foundation, which will be aired on ITV in Autumn 2024. This documentary will highlight her inspiring leadership and the impactful work of Reach Up Youth, bringing broader attention to their mission and achievements to support to end homelessness.

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